





Fans: Immerse Yourself In The Narrative

Our live and digital music experiences transcend traditional boundaries, weaving a compelling and interactive story that resonates with every note. Engage not just as a spectator, but as a part of the unfolding musical tale, where every beat tells a story and you're at the heart of it all . Learn more about our live experiences and digital hub.

Fans: Immerse Yourself In The Narrative

Our live music experiences transcend traditional boundaries, weaving a compelling and interactive story that resonates with every note. Engage not just as a spectator, but as a part of the unfolding musical tale, where every beat tells a story and you're at the heart of it all. Learn more!

Artists: Embark on A Creative Odyssey

With BLCK UNICRN you can craft your next generation music video and live or digital immersive experience. Our creative process blends your artistic vision with our innovative expertise, transforming your ideas into a stunning, multidimensional showcase. Learn more!

Artists: Embark on A Creative Odyssey

With BLCK UNICRN you can craft your next generation music video and immersive experience. Our creative process blends your artistic vision with our innovative expertise, transforming your ideas into a stunning, multidimensional showcase. Learn more!

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Start creating immersive content from episodic visual albums to live immersive experiences.

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Subscribe to a universe of episodic visual albums and augmented reality based immersive visual album experiences from your favorite artists

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Brands and Festivals

Contact us for your next festival, concert, or major product drop. We got you.

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Powering the future of music. Featured and Incubated In: